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The Puzzle of Continuous Improvement

POOGI Puzzle ChartFour Improvement methodologies can be combined to create greater improvement than each one individually. This presentation explains how each method fits together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, identifies the real strength of each and discusses the opportunity of applying them all.

Critical Chain Project Management

JayCriticalChainDiagram2Critical Chain (CCPM) is a major project management improvement over the Critical Path Method (CPM). This presentation explains why studies show that less than 35% of projects finish on time and on budget and shows you the steps you need to reduce project time by 25% while increasing your on time percentages to near 95%.

Critical Chain vs. Agile and Scrum

JayVenn3Agile is a terrific methodology, particularly in software development.  Critical Chain is a terrific project methodology, particularly in a multi-project shared resources environment. This presentation identifies the many similarities between the two approaches as well as the significant differences and discusses when each would be the better to use.

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